Manali is home to umpteen Buddhist Monasteries. Seeing my enthusiasm to visit them ,the server at my hotel said ” why don’t you visit the Nyingmapa Buddist Monastery. Its just 15 minutes away”. Excited, I left only to find that the 15 minutes was an hour and half and the mountain road narrowed and narrowed and reached a tiny stretch ( wide enough to accommodate just one vehicle). I looked down and tried to spot my hotel in the teeny weeny matchbox sized houses.
On reaching the monastery,I learnt it was a monastery only for Buddhist nuns. And when I expressed my desire to meet some of them, they humbly agreed.
I asked for permission to click. There was laughter. Some shied away. Some said why would you want to click bald nuns.
While one of them laughed and said I don’t look nice, I clicked.
Beauty has nothing to do with baldness.
It has to do with smiles. Pure. Genuine. Smiles.
I visited KEYLONG actually, its 6 hours ahead of Manali.. I found so many buddhist monks there too. They are actually very much shy and cemara conscious guys. Seeing your post, my memories of there refreshed..
Indeed Raman. They are extremely camera shy 🙂
Nice Lines in the end !!
Thanks 🙂
Don’t know which one I like most…the click or your words…. you’re so right, beauty has nothing to do with baldness…it resides in the mind and reflects through a pure, golden smile… 🙂
A nice series you’ve started..waiting for more…
Thanks so much! 🙂 So Glad you liked it. Will continue this for sometime:) Stay tuned! 🙂
I like your narration. Good work!
Thanks Vibha 🙂
nice and candid 🙂
Thanks Daniel 🙂